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Victoria Harbourcats lose third in a row

Victoria Harbourcats lose third in a row

Fans have chance to play in large pick-up game before Saturday’s rematch with Walla Walla.
Beacon Hill to host Little League baseball B.C. championships

Beacon Hill to host Little League baseball B.C. championships

Hollywood Park in Fairfield the site of tournament July 22 to 30
Beacon Hill Little Leaguer meets Claire Eccles

Beacon Hill Little Leaguer meets Claire Eccles

Eccles inspiring new generation of baseball players
Victoria Shamrocks alumnus to be celebrated on Friday night

Victoria Shamrocks alumnus to be celebrated on Friday night

Ranjit Dillon will have his number ‘5’ jersey raised to The Q Centre rafters
Golfathon raises funds for BC ALS Society

Golfathon raises funds for BC ALS Society

Bear Mountain golfers play 100 holes at Langford course
Belmont secondary teacher named to Canadian softball squad

Belmont secondary teacher named to Canadian softball squad

Kris Walushka got his start in softball while growing up in Langford
Victoria Shamrocks take decisive win in Nanaimo

Victoria Shamrocks take decisive win in Nanaimo

‘Rocks cut down Timbermen, move to 6-1-1
Cats’ bats help Victoria starter Eccles chalk up her first win

Cats’ bats help Victoria starter Eccles chalk up her first win

More West Coast League baseball history made on Father’s Day at RAP
Victoria Shamrocks battle Timbermen in Nanaimo

Victoria Shamrocks battle Timbermen in Nanaimo

‘Rocks are coming off a rare tie on Friday night against New Westminster
Sunny skies shine on Oak Bay’s Jubilee Pacific Pairs Open

Sunny skies shine on Oak Bay’s Jubilee Pacific Pairs Open

Sidney pair finishes first in A Division