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B.C. men convicted for killing off-season moose

Two Kelowna men were charged, convicted and fined for killing an off-season cow moose
Image credit: Facebook/Conservation Officer Service

Two Kelowna men were convicted and sentenced this month for the killing of a cow moose out of season.

BC Conservation reports that Randy Cecil Watson and Burc Colins were charged under the Wildlife Act after killing a moose near Beaverdell in November 2015.

Watson, who took responsibility for killing the moose, pleaded guilty to hunting out of season, unlawful possession of wildlife and resisting or obstructing an officer from exercising their duties.

Related: Prominent hunter fined $3,000 for illegal elk kill in Kootenays

“Watson received a total of $2,200 in fines, 52 hours of community service and a one-year probation, as well as a one-year hunting prohibition,” writes the BC Conversation Service.

“In lieu of the forfeiture of a seized firearm, Watson accepted an option to provide a letter of apology to the public (for the purpose of publishing) acknowledging the facts of the incident, responsibility for his actions with the option to express remorse or apologize to the public.”

Colins also agreed to write an apology letter (both can be found below) after he took responsibility for aiding in the killing and retrieval of the cow moose.

He pleaded guilty to unlawful possession of wildlife and resisting or obstructing an officer from exercising their duties.

“He received a total of $1,000 in fines and a one-year hunting prohibition,” added the Conservation office.

“Letters from both parties have been received and firearms have been returned.”

The case resulted in a total of $3,200 in fines, the majority of which was directed to be paid to the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund to be used for the benefit of conservation projects in the Province of BC.



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