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V2V ferry out of commission until end of 2017

Ferry ran for roughly three months before engine problems forced suspension of service
V2V Empress boat in the Inner Harbour getting ready to head to Vancouver. Don Descoteau/VICTORIA NEWS

There are more problems for the V2V Empress catamaran ferry service that launched earlier this year, moving passenger traffic between Victoria and Vancouver.

After engine problems in August caused service to be disrupted for a number of weeks, it now appears the ferry will remain out of commission until roughly the end of 2017.

The expected mid-December date for a return to service was confirmed by Luisa Dizon, the company’s sales and marketing manager. She said one of the reasons for the long delay is they’re waiting for parts to come in from around the world.

RELATED: V2V ferry out of commission

V2V announced they had temporarily suspended service to address the issues when the ferry was first taken out of commission due to mechanical issues.

“Our goal is to ensure the smoothest ride possible, and by taking these necessary repairs we continue to show our commitment to safety and comfort above all else,” read a statement posted on the company’s website.

As of Friday, V2V Vacations was still promoting their winter sailing schedule with daily sailings on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. However, a click through the reservation booking system found a note that appeared to say there is not enough capacity.

Regular seven-day service is expected to return March 1, 2018.

RELATED: V2V Empress christened into service

The high speed, luxury passenger ferry service launched in May to much fanfare and offered value-added amenities such as luxurious leather seats, on-board wifi and the ability to purchase alcoholic beverages or upgrade to a complimentary three-course meal.



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