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Liquor stores campaign helps fund dry grads in Greater Victoria

Last year, B.C. Liquor Stores customers throughout the province donated a total of $512,604 in support of Dry Grad events.

Multimillion-dollar Esquimalt development given final green light

The developer's vision includes two 12-storey residential condominium towers – which will be the tallest in Esquimalt

Victoria teachers plan 'day of action' Monday to protest potential back-to-work legislation

Being legislated is "an attack on our collective right,” said Bénula Giasson with the Greater Victoria Teachers’ Association
Boat show takes over Pearkes field house

Boat show takes over Pearkes field house

This weekendmarks return of the annual fishing and boating show at Saanich's Pearkes recreation centre
On the chopping block

On the chopping block

"Surplus' government properties could be up for sale in Greater Victoria

Half of municipal reps on PCC board resign over land sale strategy

Victoria Coun. Ben Isitt says there is benefit to having city representation on board

Colquitz River polluted – again – after 630 litres of heating oil spills in Saanich

Another home heating oil spill in Saanich pollutes Colquitz River after tank's fuel line fails
Crowds come to pay their last respects to the Johnson Street rail bridge

Crowds come to pay their last respects to the Johnson Street rail bridge

More than 100 watch the dismantling of the iconic bridge
B.C. Winter Games archers take aim in Vernon

B.C. Winter Games archers take aim in Vernon

Ron Ostermeier still remembers exactly where his first archery shot landed. “Right there,” he said, pointing next to his right foot...

Two Capital Region men recognized for bravery

Gov. Gen. David Johnston honours men with medals of bravery