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Teen who spat on bus driver arrested in housing complex

Saanich police dog Taz tracked the suspect's scent right to the police cruiser where the arrested teen was being held.
Premiers tour Royal Jubilee Hospital

Premiers tour Royal Jubilee Hospital

Premiers tour new hospital wing at Royal Jubilee in Victoria.

Pennies for Presents raises more than $13,000 for charity

Campaign makes four big donation to local charities
Wintry conditions in Oak Bay

Wintry conditions in Oak Bay

Drivers had to have their wits about them travelling Oak Bay roads this morning
UPDATED: Slippery roads cause minor mayhem for Saanich commuters

UPDATED: Slippery roads cause minor mayhem for Saanich commuters

Police cars blocked access to Glanford Avenue south of McKenzie Avenue during Tuesday afternoon’s rush hour

Student driver learns difficult, pricey lesson

Car sustains thousands in damage after miscue on pedals

Independent review to identify improvements at VicPD

Results of $25,000 study expected next month, says VicPD
Modest restoration underway at golf course

Modest restoration underway at golf course

Rebuilding of sand traps, drainage project, keep Victoria Golf Club staff busy
B.C. history has a new leader

B.C. history has a new leader

Jack Lohman named chief executive officer of the Royal B.C. Musem
Cold Weather And Snow To Stick Around

Cold Weather And Snow To Stick Around

Cold weather and snow to stay around until Thursday.