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Concern raised over Macaulay school-zone safety

Concern raised over Macaulay school-zone safety

Esquimalt resident sounding alarm to bring stakeholders together for solutions
Hydro debt grows, B.C. deficit shrinks

Hydro debt grows, B.C. deficit shrinks

Energy Minister Rich Coleman is examining BC Hydro's rapidly growing deferred expenses.

Province orders review of B.C. Transit

Third-party process will likely begin post-election

MUNICIPAL ELECTION: Esquimalt referendum results could make way for town square

Bylaw changes needed before concept drawings become reality

MUNICIPAL ELECTION: Comments from Esquimalt candidates

The Victoria News asked candidates to talk about something they want the voters to know about them
Metal thieves attack wired world

Metal thieves attack wired world

With copper trading at more than $3 a pound, thefts of phone wire have become a daily occurrence in B.C.

MUNICIPAL ELECTION: Meet and greet Victoria council hopefuls

Community groups hosting trade-fair style event to meet candidates

Plastic-bag campaign needs business buy-in: council

A study found 75% of Esquimalt shoppers supported going plastic-bag free

Protesters seek help from police

Several night calls from Occupy Victoria protesters requesting help to remove obnoxious and noisy rowdies put Victoria police in a confusing situation.

No decision yet on park road closures

More public consultation is needed before the city can proceed with plans to eliminate some of the roads and parking stalls within Beacon Hill Park.