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Demolition makes way for bridge

Building used for equipment storage

Man charged after numerous vehicle break-ins

Suspect allegedly broke into four parkades between Sept. 3 and 22, and stole loose change and other small items from vehicles

Light-rail transit debate takes centre stage

The event will feature two guest speakers: LRT advocate, businessman and Saanich council candidate Rob Wickson, and LRT opponent Bev Highton, business owner and chair of the CRD Business and Residential Taxpayers' Association
Mounties set to ride into sunset, Ottawa warns B.C.

Mounties set to ride into sunset, Ottawa warns B.C.

Policing contract talks hit new level of brinkmanship
Caught on Tape: Cameras put a dint in crime

Caught on Tape: Cameras put a dint in crime

Cops use surveillance footage to catch bad guys, but cameras often poorly installed

Stillborn inquiry finds no fault

Recommends dedicated obstetrical anesthesiology service
Halfway house deserter from Victoria wanted on Canada-wide warrant

Halfway house deserter from Victoria wanted on Canada-wide warrant

Police searching for Jason Robinson, 48

Brazen thief watching as Beaver Lake park users hide valuables in their car

Between 3 and 4 p.m. on Monday, three cars had their windows smashed and valuable items hidden out of sight in the trunk stolen, including a Macbook laptop computer, wallets, purses and a briefcase.
Despite warnings, we’re still falling for scams

Despite warnings, we’re still falling for scams

“Offering someone you don’t know remote access to your computer over the Internet is like giving them the keys to your house. Once access is gained, a virus or (spying) software can be placed on your computer to monitor what you’re doing or to access your banking information.”

UVic jogger knocked down by pumpkin flung from truck

The force of the gourd hitting her made her lose her balance and fall to the ground, scraping her knees and elbows.