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St. Aidan’s embraces the rainbow; officially welcomes LGBT people to congregation

St. Aidan’s embraces the rainbow; officially welcomes LGBT people to congregation

“Very often a congregation will say that these are the values, but by going through the process, it’s highlighting,” said Rev. Caveney. “Many congregations say that they are inclusive, and yet, for example, lesbians cannot be fully involved or ordained in those churches.”
Disputes cast shadow on school year

Disputes cast shadow on school year

A work-to-rule campaign by public school teachers, set to begin on the first day of school, is only one dispute expected in education in the coming year.

Marine life will be the star of proposed waterfront display

Nature house idea scaled down for info centre project

Fall schedule brings bus route changes

Transit buses return to fall schedule next Tuesday
Broadmead liquor store targetted in smash and grab

Broadmead liquor store targetted in smash and grab

Footage shows the two men put on balaclavas around 11:30 p.m. before kicking and pushing at the front door. The pair gained entry and triggered the alarm, absconding with several bottles of Captain Morgan and Grand Marnier before Saanich police arrived.

Labour Day’s roots must not be forgotten: labour leader

Holiday stems from workers pushing for better conditions
UVic bans smoking within Ring Road

UVic bans smoking within Ring Road

“There hasn’t been any resistance to this,” said UVic spokesperson Patty Pitts, adding that extensive student and staff consultation has been conducted since the spring. “We did change our policy back in 2007, where we were asking people not to smoke within 10-metres of any buildings, but I understand we were still receiving complaints of second-hand smoke coming in through windows or venting systems.”
Greek Fest celebrates tenth year in Greater Victoria

Greek Fest celebrates tenth year in Greater Victoria

The much-loved celebration of Greek food, entertainment and culture takes place at the Greek Community Centre, on now through to Sept. 5.

Locker a treasure chest of pinched electronics

Most owners of devices contacted

Man stabbed in botched drug deal: police

Police say a drug deal gone awry could be to blame for a stabbing in downtown Victoria on Monday night