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Legion tribute honours Afghanistan veterans

Legion tribute honours Afghanistan veterans

"Welcome home' ceremonies held across Canada

Marina buildings sent back to developer for minor changes

Victoria city council delays meeting to avoid lawsuit over development permit
Layton's legacy one of hope and optimism, Greater Victoria MPs say

Layton's legacy one of hope and optimism, Greater Victoria MPs say

Layton, 61, stepped down as the New Democratic leader last month after revealing he was battling a second bout of cancer. The official opposition leader was frail and gaunt during an appearance July 25, after fighting off prostate cancer last year.
Raven military graduates spread their wings

Raven military graduates spread their wings

49 Canadian aboriginal youth graduate from military training program at CFB Esquimalt
High school scholarship rules changed

High school scholarship rules changed

B.C.'s high school grads were leaving millions in scholarship money on the table by not writing optional final exams, so the education ministry has changed the system to make sure the aid gets to students who do well on mandatory tests.

Downtown takes aim at bird poop

Nesting seagulls prompt needling response
Tributes pour in for Jack Layton

Tributes pour in for Jack Layton

Tributes are pouring in for federal New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton, who died of cancer early Monday at age 61. Layton's death comes just months after Layton led the NDP to Official Opposition status in Canadian Parliament, a first for the party.

Olympic rowers seek approval for indoor training 'tent' at Camosun

Canada's men’s Olympic rowing team, which has trained in Saanich since 1987, is looking for even more local training space to prepare for London next year and Rio in 2016.

Jennings family celebrates 100 years in Saanich

The family founded Jennings Florists in 1920, which is still in operation in Oak Bay and was the birthplace of Art Knapp plant stores. Reitsma, a Tsawwassen resident, along with Jennings Bazin, her six other children and some-100 relatives, gathered earlier this month to celebrate the anniversary. Descendants of William and Frank came from as far away as Manitoba, met and all shared a love of horticulture, among other things, Reitsma said.

Province pulls student funding from some privately owned colleges

Last week, StudentAid B.C. stripped 13 schools of their official designation and left students attending those institutions faced with funding their education independently. Since 2006, post-secondary institutions that have default rates – the percentage of student loan borrowers with loan payments in default – above 28 per cent for four or more consecutive years are subject to a designation review by StudentAid B.C. Designations are revoked for a minimum of two years.