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U.S. resident pleads guilt to trafficking pot, possession of a prohibited weapon

Man also wanted in the U.S. on several charges

Johnson Street rail bridge closer to demolition

Eight companies have pre-qualified for the job to deconstruct the structure
Service comes before photo-ops on new B.C. website

Service comes before photo-ops on new B.C. website

Government communications have traditionally been built around a stream of propaganda, with the emphasis on pictures and text arranged to show the ruling politicians of the day in a flattering light.
Hockey brothers hope to score big in Courtnall Classic

Hockey brothers hope to score big in Courtnall Classic

Three-day celebrity golf event is a fundraiser for mental health
Municipalities monitor deterioration of Craigflower Bridge

Municipalities monitor deterioration of Craigflower Bridge

Craigflower Bridge is not falling down, but it’s being inspected routinely just to be sure.
Time to tee it up for mental health

Time to tee it up for mental health

Courtnall Celebrity Classic festivities start Thursday

Return to burning garbage among options CRD pondering

Now the Capital Regional District has put burning back on the agenda, albeit at a very preliminary stage of planning for the future of the area’s landfill.

First Nations wellness centre stirs emotions

Songhees carving out sustainable future with new $16-million centre

UVic relationship study seeks couples who love together but live apart

Former UVic sociologist Laura Funk had heard anecdotal reports of “Living Apart Together,” or LAT, couples in Canada before she delved into researching the new family form with Karen Kobayashi of UVic’s Centre on Aging.
Growth, HST help reduce B.C. deficit

Growth, HST help reduce B.C. deficit

The B.C. government finished the fiscal year this spring with a deficit of $309 million, nearly $1 billion less than what was forecast last fall.