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Exclusive interview with Stephen Harper

Exclusive interview with Stephen Harper

Update: Fish dying after tanker truck spills gasoline into Goldstream River

Update: Fish dying after tanker truck spills gasoline into Goldstream River

Thousands of litres of gasoline spilled into Goldstream River Saturday night after a tanker truck crashed into a rock wall and overturned on the Malahat Drive.

Controversial tower to get second look in Victoria

Victoria city council first rejects, now reconsiders merits of 105 affordable housing units

Seminar helps strata owners sort out management issues

No cash for courts [Part 5 of Justice Denied series]

No cash for courts [Part 5 of Justice Denied series]

Justice system faces more funding restraint, but Attorney General predicts reforms will ease case backlog, waits.
Mapping a city’s future: Victoria develops its updated community plan

Mapping a city’s future: Victoria develops its updated community plan

If you think the Official Community Plan is a high-level planning document, you’re right – but suppress that urge to yawn. An estimated 20,000 people moving to Victoria. Where they’ll settle and whether their condos will block your sun are laid out in the draft document. Speak now or hold your peace.

West Bay development plan unveiled

Council rejects request to close part of Head St.

Former manager sentenced for stealing $150,000 from UVic computer store

VIVIAN MOREAU: Oak Bay residents have their say at town hall meeting

VIVIAN MOREAU: Oak Bay residents have their say at town hall meeting

B.C. may offer more breaks on HST

B.C. may offer more breaks on HST