TAKE NOTICE THAT: An application will be made to the Registrar of Companies for the amalgamation of 0387761 B.C. Ltd. dba Coastal Falling Operations and 1282808 B.C. Ltd. (the “Amalgamating Companies”) to continue as VIFM Forestry Ltd. (the “Amalgamated Company”).
Jason Kemmler and Bridger Schmidt, the directors of the Amalgamating Companies, believe, and have reasonable grounds for believing, that the Amalgamated Company will not be insolvent when the amalgamation takes effect.
Any Creditor of the Amalgamating Companies who objects to the amalgamation must provide a written notice of objection to the Amalgamating Companies c/o Breakwater Law, 1177 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8V 3L1 within 15 days after this publication of this notice.