Re: Cash-strapped TLC seeks new members (News, May 4)
The Be the Change Campaign is not about signing up 30,000 members to generate $10 million. It is a campaign to raise $10 million, over the next 18 months, to complete the purchase of a number of current land acquisitions. These include Sandcut Beach and Jordan River as Capital Regional District parks, parts of the Sooke Hills, Gowlland Point on South Pender Island, Sansum Point as a regional park in the Cowichan Valley and lands on the Horsefly River and in the Clearwater area. Half of the campaign target will go to those acquisitions.
The other $5 million is to provide TLC with a solid financial foundation for many years to come. About $1.25 million will be invested in building TLC’s membership from the current 8,700 members to our goal of 30,000 members over the next two years. Thirty thousand members will provide the solid basis for TLC in the future.
The remaining funds will be used to retire mortgages and to provide working capital to allow us to be proactive as conservation opportunities arise.
Bill Turner
executive director,
The Land Conservancy