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Arrogance is no substitute for ignorance

Tom Fletcher's tirade on smart meters has no basis in science

Re: Dumb leaders attack smart meters (B.C. Views, Oct. 5)

Ignorance and arrogance usually go hand in hand and Tom Fletcher seems to have more than his share of both.

His latest column is yet another confirmation of that. In fact, it is quite obvious to any knowledgeable reader that he doesn’t have a clue of what he is talking about – specifically electromagnetic fields and how they work.

A fifth grader would do a better job – and yet, he is allowed to write offensive articles and has the gall to ridicule a responsible informed decision made by a majority of local leaders on the basis of sound facts in order to protect the unsuspecting citizens.

Of course, not everyone can be knowledgeable in all fields of arts and science, however there is a place for everybody in our society.

If Fletcher was an honest potato grower minding his own business and not harming anybody, I would have nothing against him – in fact I would respect his work.

Instead, he somehow manages to write regular opinion columns for a newspaper chain which thousands of people read, trust and rely on.

The damage done to the public through misleading information and a totally biased attitude is immeasurable and inexcusable. I have no respect whatsoever for this type of behaviour.

The very least that the public can demand from a journalist who has no knowledge of the subject he is writing about is  to do his homework diligently which Tom Fletcher, in his infinite arrogance, certainly did not bother to do.

Nabhraj R. Spogliarich


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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