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Canadian Club led charge for memorial trees

Memorial trees at Victoria High School were courtesy of the Women's Canadian Club of Victoria

Recently there have been letters and articles in the media about the memorial trees removed at Victoria High School to enable the construction of the new addition.

Some of the letters and articles have correctly identified the organization behind the planting of the original trees and the planting ceremony held on April 20, 1917, but others have not.

The original trees were bought by the Women’s Canadian Club of Victoria from a nursery on the Saanich Peninsula for $10.50.

The trees were planted at a ceremony on April 20, 1917, the second anniversary of the battle of Ypres, to honour the brave Canadians who fought in that battle, and to commemorate the the First World War.

Hundreds of people participated in the tree planting ceremony.

The Women’s Canadian Club was an active supporter of the local war effort. Within a few days of the tree planting, members also organized a tag day and a concert to raise funds. A sub-committee administered the Returned Soldiers Fund, loaning money to returning veterans to help them get re-established and to help their families.

The Women’s Canadian Club of Victoria was formed in 1909, three years after the Men’s Club was initiated.

The two groups came together in 1995 as the Canadian Club of Victoria and continues today.

The Canadian Club has been invited to attend and participate in the re-dedication of the memorial trees on Nov. 10 at Victoria High School at 10 a.m.

Hopefully, a significant number of other citizens will join the students and staff of Victoria High School in this ceremony of remembrance.

Barbara Strachan


The Canadian Club

of Victoria

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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