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Fletcher and cartoon comments deeply offending

Twice in the past two weeks I have been highly confused and deeply offended by the content of your Editorial and Viewpoint pages

Twice in the past two weeks I have been highly confused and deeply offended by the content of your Editorial and Viewpoint pages.

On March 19, you published Tom Fletcher’s statement “nuke the whales for Jesus” as part of his B.C. Views column criticizing all “environmentalists.” Other than insulting Christians as well, what purpose does his “joke” serve? Would you as editor or Mr. Fletcher himself please explain what he means?

Much worse than that “joke” is the cruel editorial cartoon by Ingrid Rice published on March 28. The cartoon depicts the head of Vancouver MLA Jenny Kwan mounted on the wall of a middle-aged newspaper reader.

This man represents the “90 per cent of British Columbians” who the cartoonist claims “can get behind” a truly hideous policy proposal. Could you tell your readers where to find more details about this poll of the “irate" and "unforgiving” public?

In light of these recent offerings in our community newspaper, please inform your readers as to the depths of ridicule, hyperbole, bad taste and horror to which the Victoria News may sink in the future. At present it seems that your concepts of fair comment and free speech go to murky depths indeed.

Frank Trice




About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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