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Harper supports protest abroad, but not here

When it comes to hypocrisy Prime Minister Stephen Harper takes the cake.

When it comes to hypocrisy Prime Minister Stephen Harper takes the cake.

He supports peoples’ right to protest their government in Ukraine without harassment from the authorities, he supports people’s right to protest in Egypt, in Libya and in Sri Lanka.

But the heck with a Canadian’s right to protest anything his government does like proroguing parliament whenever the going gets tough, or appointing people to the senate for provinces where their primary residence isn’t located, or ramming a pipeline down our throats, or turning a surplus his government inherited into a multi-billion dollar deficit in less than a decade.

Harper has the audacity to jet around the country at taxpayer expense telling us he’s doing a fine job managing the economy. Fine enough for a gold-plated pension plan for him and all his friends on Parliament Hill.

But whenever asked in the House of Commons about raising pensions for the seniors they can’t change Canada’s pension plan until the economy is stronger.

Of course it will never be strong enough to change the CPP, as long as King Harper is concerned.

Andre Mollon




About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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