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LETTER: Action, not money, is needed to protect rainforests

Recently there was someone at the door asking for money to preserve the rainforest and I didn’t give her any money. Money won’t necessarily help the rain forest.

Recently there was someone at the door asking for money to preserve the rainforest and I didn’t give her any money. Money won’t necessarily help the rain forest.

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What will help the rainforest is lower cost of government, as it desperately needs money to pay gargantuan numbers of employees. It cannot afford to preserve the rainforest, the fishery or the environment when money from fish harvesting and money from stumpage fees is needed.

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Reducing government debt would help the rain forest for the same reason. Airlines need to be shut down. All Canadians need to stop flying around in planes because they use up gargantuan amounts of oxygen. The Air Miles program needs to be stopped by law, as a crime against nature.

We Canadians need to either start driving fuel-efficient vehicles or we need to start walking more and using public transport.

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We should temporarily use insecticide on the pine beetle and there needs to be laws which protect the environment against persons who would profit from destroying the environment for financial gain.

Government needs to raise the price of gas – a lot.

Trees need to be planted, and the roots from old trees need to be taken out, so the new trees have a chance to grow. We need to search out trees which can withstand drought.

We don’t need any more global warming. What we really need is rain.

Judith N. Whytock


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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