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LETTER: Deer cull not in God’s plan


I would like to offer a new slant on the culling of deer and other of God’s creatures.

May I remind those of you who are familiar with the Bible, and introduce those of you who are not, to the very first Book, Genesis, and looking at chapter one, verses 20 and onwards till the end of the chapter.

In those verses, we are told that the first living creatures were the ‘birds of the air, the fish of the sea and then livestock, creatures that move along the ground and wild animals.’

Then God created humans (first man and then woman) whom he said were to ‘rule over the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, then livestock, creatures who move along the land and the wildlife.’

Then God said that he would provide green plants and fruit trees for food.

These words are written there within those few verses. I suggest that we take heed of God’s word and that we protect his creatures not destroy them.

Ann Drew
