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LETTER: Editorial blames the victim

Re: U.S. election chaos puts democracy in doubt ( Our View , Nov. 19)

Re: U.S. election chaos puts democracy in doubt (Our View, Nov. 19)

Your editorial is a brilliant example of blaming the victim.

Perhaps you did not notice that the past administration and losing party in 2016 refused a peaceful transfer of power, preferring to turn the security agencies and population against the winners in a “resistance” that lasted four full years and tried every dirty trick in the book to overturn the results of the election. Add to that the systemic anti-administration lies of almost all of the media, topped by big tech censorship of any and all supporters of the administration.

The widely documented cheating in the 2020 election, seen and sworn to by first-hand participants and observers, is partly the result of the successful “resistance” campaign to remove all security measures from voting. That, in your view, the treat to democracy is not the ​flood of illegal ballots, but complaints to courts about illegality, demonstrated that you are far from an “unbiased observer.” As for “moral corruption,” Canadians have quite enough to worry about in Ottawa, without having to look across the border.

Philip Carl Salzman​

East Sooke

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