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LETTER: Greater Victoria cyclists face danger from pedestrians too

Cyclists face the wrath of pedestrians and drivers everyday.

Cyclists face the wrath of pedestrians and drivers everyday.

I’ve been cycling in Victoria almost daily for the past 28 years. Things have certainly become more dangerous. And although drivers present the biggest hazard, pedestrians are also a concern. Apparently, cyclists are invisible to jay walkers.

The new bike lanes are great, but some pedestrians believe they are an extension of the sidewalk. I have no problem sharing the bike lane with walkers who prefer the road to the sidewalk, but is it asking too much to have them look first and not just step out into on-coming bicycle traffic? I realize these new lanes have annoyed many non-cyclists, who see them only as an unnecessary inconvenience, but does that give them the right to put our lives in danger?

Many drivers are still having difficulty understanding the new traffic lights along Fort and Pandora. I don’t know how the signs could be made any clearer. I suspect some drivers are simply choosing to ignore the lights. I wonder how they’d feel if a cycling loved one got injured/killed by a driver deciding it was okay to turn despite the lights telling them to wait.

Here’s a good New Year’s resolution – make our roads safer for everyone by paying attention to all traffic and signage, and maybe get off the phone and look up.

Nancy Raycroft


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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