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LETTER: Malahat solution on track

The E&N rail line is staring us in the face as a solution to the ongoing Malahat disasters. The rail line could be a vital advancement to the Malahat solution and economic future of Vancouver Island as a transit corridor for commuters, freight and tourism.

The E&N rail line is staring us in the face as a solution to the ongoing Malahat disasters. The rail line could be a vital advancement to the Malahat solution and economic future of Vancouver Island as a transit corridor for commuters, freight and tourism.

The line could be upgraded to a modern electrified light rapid transit. Ideally, the line should be twined to Langford, however, a single-line track could be adapted to operate efficiently by installing double-track platform stations for passing, one inbound and one outbound as in many other parts of the world, such as operated by Queensland Rail north of Brisbane, Australia which carries over 100,000 passengers daily from northern communities into Brisbane partly on a single-track line.

The carbon tax has done little for the environment except make life more expensive for everyone. The tax should mandated by law to be dedicated for investment in transit and new green technology development.

Sooner or later, like it or not, we are going to be forced into resurrecting a modern rail link up-Island for the sake of the economic future of the Island, and the sooner we do this the better. We have got to stop dithering and hopefully the continuing Malahat disasters will give us the visionary leadership to implement common-sense decisions on behalf of suffering islanders and taxpayers. An operational rail line on the Island makes common sense and would relieve a lot of pressure from the Malahat and be of special benefit to commuters and those who have to travel from up-Island for medical appointments.

LRT and tram systems are exploding all over the world as commuters embrace a more stress-free, environmentally friendly way of commuting and travel. Vancouver Island cannot continue with this unsustainable reliance on road transport, especially over the Malahat.

Robin Chown

North Saanich

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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