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LETTER: More needs to be done to curb RV parking in Langford

(Black Press Media file photo)

I am just responding to the letter on RV parking and story that was done on this same subject. As a 23-year homeowner in this area, myself and fellow neighbors have written to the mayor and city council on numerous occasions regarding this issue. We have issued many emails to bylaw enforcement in Langford

Here is an example of what I submitted to the city of Langford.

I am writing to express my continued disappointment with the city over its inaction regarding the continued RV parking and living that is being allowed on Goldstream Avenue. I have complained to Bylaw Enforcement but they can only do so much because of the 72-hour rule.

I get that we have a housing crisis – but it has taken years to shake the “dog patch” dogma the West Shore endured. Now it is back. Our friends want to know if there is an RV sale going on. If you want to be compassionate, find a place for these RVs to park, just not on what is supposed to be the gateway into Langford. By the way, I do not agree with your 50% tax increase over the next five years. Perhaps you can get the difference from the RV owners.

After 23 years of living in the West Shore, we are thinking about moving.

Kirk Freeman
