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LETTER: More should be invested in vaccines

It was known in March last year how this pandemic would establish itself all over the world. The virologists knew and the politicians knew. Our health officers should have known and pushed for opening factories to produce enough vaccines.

It was known in March last year how this pandemic would establish itself all over the world. The virologists knew and the politicians knew. Our health officers should have known and pushed for opening factories to produce enough vaccines.

Why on earth did everybody sit back and wait for a very few companies to produce the vaccines. Billions of people are anxious for a vaccine and most need two vaccinations. It’s obvious that those few companies can’t fulfill their promises. It’s not their fault.

Why did countries who are very capable to churn out vaccines, licensed by the research companies, not jump into action to be able to put the famous needle in our arms?

One year was wasted and the misery goes on. It’s not too late. Where is the private sector? This virus will stay and vaccines will be needed into the future. Looks like a sure business plan to me.

Karin Hertel


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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