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LETTER: New Victoria pool will alleviate demand for kids swimming lessons

There just isn’t enough pool space in Greater Victoria for the swimming lessons our children need
Artist rendering of the Crystal Pool replacement. (Submitted)

In 2024, an estimated 3,000-plus children participated in swim lessons programs at Crystal Pool alone. Still, so many missed out. Ask any family in the area how frustrating it still is trying to find swimming lessons.

There just isn’t enough pool space in Greater Victoria for the swimming lessons our children need. Every pool is booked full, and it’s still not even close to enough. Believe me, we’re trying.

We’re Islanders, for Pete’s sake. It's crucial for our children to have the opportunity to learn how to swim, and thousands of them aren’t even being given the chance.

But somehow, we’re waffling – again – on whether we should replace Crystal Pool. Are you kidding?

Voting “No” isn’t going to cause some better plan to miraculously materialize. There is no magic, perfect plan that will make everyone happy. What it will do is make us have to scramble when the current facility breaks down in a few years, and we’ll wind up with a worse facility for an even higher price tag.

Stop delaying. Stop hesitating. Vote Yes, and vote South. Don’t take swimming lessons away from thousands of kids because you’re waiting for something that’s not going to come.

Dan Igaz

Island Swimming Club