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LETTER: Opposition to speculation tax is selfish

It disturbs me to read and hear the reactions against the speculation tax.

It disturbs me to read and hear the reactions against the speculation tax.

Here is our NDP government wanting to find ways to solve the very real and serious issue of affordable housing. We finally have a government who is addressing social and economic inequality in more than one way.

RELATED: Letters on way to all homeowners in B.C. speculation tax communities

The speculation tax impacts very few people. It will apply to properties which are not occupied by the owner as a primary residence for more than six months in a year. This means it affects only those people who either have one home and are away most of the year, cruising or otherwise enjoying themselves elsewhere, or those who own more than one home and do not rent it out.

RELATED: Want to avoid the speculation tax on your vacant home? Rent it out, Horgan says

Do I feel sorry for them that they have to pay something to maintain their luxury life style? No, obviously they can afford owning those homes without the need to rent them out even part of the time.

They protest and lament without any thought or caring that this speculation tax money can be used towards creating more affordable housing. They complain and feel put upon without acknowledging that too many people can not afford to buy a house, struggle to find a rental place they can afford or are homeless and live on the street.

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These rather selfish reactions show how difficult it is to make real changes. I wish that those who have much will be thankful for what they have, and are willing to share a bit to make life a little easier for others.

I congratulate our government for their efforts to make our province a more equal and fairer place to live.

Hanny Pannekoek


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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