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LETTER: Pipeline opposition leads Canada into dangerous territory

Do Canadians realize that preventing the expansion of Alberta pipeline capability is having two major negative effects?

Do Canadians realize that preventing the expansion of Alberta pipeline capability is having two major negative effects?

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Firstly, it is increasing the wealth of countries such as Saudi Arabia, which is only too happy to supply oil which Canada has been prevented from supplying. Did you know that Saudi Arabia supplies significant amounts of their oil to eastern Canada? The wealth of Saudi Arabia allows it to purchase weapons from the United States which they are dropping on innocent people in Yemen. Therefore, Canadians who want to block the expansion of Alberta’s capability to supply world oil are indirectly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Yemeni citizens.

Secondly, preventing Alberta oil from getting to market safely and effectively is causing alienation within Alberta and driving it perilously close to secession from Canada. Presently, Alberta contributes a net amount of $19 billion annually to the rest of Canada. The people of Alberta are being manhandled by people who deny the province of Alberta the ability to carry on its main industry. If Alberta votes to secede from Canada then we are in extremely fragile and dangerous territory.

Every action does have a reaction. The action of preventing Alberta from getting its products safely to world markets has these two very significant reactions.

Robert H. Brown

North Saanich

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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