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LETTER: Prince’s arrogance evident on visit to Sooke sawmill

Now that the whole world knows what a pathetic, entitled schemer is Prince Andrew, I’d like to point out that the Gazette scooped it first.

Now that the whole world knows what a pathetic, entitled schemer is Prince Andrew, I’d like to point out that the Gazette scooped it first.

The precise date evades me, must have been 1976 or ‘77, but your archives will have the story we ran when Andrew visited a sawmill in Sooke. I recall the lineups of excited children who, dressed in their Sunday bests – because how else would one greet a Prince? – were awaiting his arrival. I asked them what they thought he’d look like, and they weren’t sure, but at least he would be wearing a crown. And what would he do when he arrived? Oh, that was almost beyond their imagination. They hopped from foot to foot, couldn’t bear to stand still. And they waited, not complaining that he was late, and, eventually when he strode along, not even complaining that he didn’t wear a crown. A pair of jeans, if I recall correctly.

But their gasps of joy fell silent as he strode and strode, not even glancing in their direction. A short tour of the sawmill followed. He nodded occasionally but said little.

We said more in our pages, reflecting on how he didn’t seem at all to be engaged with the locals or be aware of noblesse oblige. The photo which ran on the front page caught him in a characteristic frown – the very same pose that has covered the world’s front pages over the last few days. As I said, we had it first.

I think we even sent her Majesty a copy of the article. She should have taken note then and counselled him about arrogance and entitlement.

Abby Day

Skipton, England

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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