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LETTER: Pull over, so other drivers can pass

I almost broke the law on July 30 when I was prepared to pass a very slow-moving vehicle on Highway 14. I would have if a car wasn’t approaching.

I almost broke the law on July 30 when I was prepared to pass a very slow-moving vehicle on Highway 14. I would have if a car wasn’t approaching.

Welcome to Sooke-area roads in the summer, when clueless or lost or stupid tourists make life stressful for residents in a community that’s already dealing with too much traffic on too few roads.

It wasn’t the first time such a vehicle raised my ire. In this case, the half-ton truck, with out-of-province plates, carrying two kayaks, was travelling at 40 km/h in a 60 km/h zone, often slowing down to 30 km/h. I understand what it’s like to be a tourist and not know the roads, but come on. There were at least three spots where the driver could have safely pulled over so drivers doing the speed limit could continue.

By the time I turned onto my road, about eight other vehicles were in the infuriating parade.

ALSO READ: ‘Cone Zone’ campaign reminds Island drivers to slow down to keep roadside workers safe

It’s time for the RCMP to ticket vehicles that aren’t doing the speed limit. It’s time for the appropriate government bodies to install signs that tell slow drivers to pull over. It’s time for drivers to pay attention and move aside when they are impeding traffic.

I understand why road rage and risky driving occur.

Shannon Moneo


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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