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LETTER: Remove obstacles to climate change solutions


This summer has seen us move from one heat wave to the next, with most of B.C. in extreme drought, raging wildfires claiming more land, and lives.

Seeing images of idyllic historic Lahina devastated, the death toll rising, we realize, not only could this happen here — it has, in Lytton. And Paradise, Calif.

Minister Bowinn Ma (Emergency Management and Climate Readiness) says we must drive down the emissions contributing to climate change. And take shorter showers. Yet her government continues to subsidize, support, and approve fossil fuel expansion, the primary source of greenhouse gas emissions — with our money.

In a report commissioned by Fortis and the B.C. government, Fortis was found to have removed a section stating that electric heat pumps are “six to eight times more efficient than heating with gas.” Apparently, the B.C. government raised no objections to the redaction.

Heat domes, drought, wildfires, storms, and floods will continue to increase and intensify with climate change.

We have the solutions. Now we have to remove the obstacles to implementing them.

Karyn Woodland
