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LETTER: Seven-year-old makes plea for Langford’s forests

Last weekend I was walking in the Garry oak stand between Florence Lake and Bear Mountain Parkway with my seven-year-old daughter. We saw flagging tape and stakes and she asked what they were. I told her they would soon be cutting down the trees to put up more development and she was very sad and asked why they keep cutting down the trees. We decided she should write a letter to Langford and thought the Goldstream Gazette was a good place to send it. Here is her letter.

Last weekend I was walking in the Garry oak stand between Florence Lake and Bear Mountain Parkway with my seven-year-old daughter. We saw flagging tape and stakes and she asked what they were. I told her they would soon be cutting down the trees to put up more development and she was very sad and asked why they keep cutting down the trees. We decided she should write a letter to Langford and thought the Goldstream Gazette was a good place to send it. Here is her letter.

Dear Langford,

I do not think it is right to cut down all the forests. So many animals live there and they were here first. It gives so much oxygen to the world and all the animals are really cool.

I really like to explore nature and see all the animals and write down what I see. I love to see and draw all the wildflowers in the spring and research what they are.

Being in the forest makes me feel happy. There used to be lots of forest around my house but now there is very little left because people have been cutting it down. I don’t think it is fair for all the animals that were here first. It is so much fun to see and do things in the forest and I don’t think it is fair to cut it all down so kids like me can’t enjoy it anymore.

Please can we keep some of our forests in Langford so we can still have fun in nature.

Kay W, age 7

Rachel Speller


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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