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LETTER: The rising cost of climate change


I am writing in response to Connie More’s letter, Lawsuit would force Big Oil to address climate impacts.

It’s about time we started thinking about how much all these supposed 100-year events are costing our society. The oil and gas companies knew decades ago this was coming and they actively sought to repress knowledge and the action we could have taken to prevent it, in the interests of maximizing their profits.

B.C. is on fire, whole communities are burning down, and tens of thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes. Billions of dollars of infrastructure are being destroyed, people can’t work, and they often don’t know where their next meal is coming from or where they will lay their heads. Parents are afraid to send their kids out to play because of the health impacts of all the particulate matter they would breathe in. The people who profited from generating this mess should be held responsible for what is costing our society.

Katherine Maas
