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LETTER: Virus doesn’t care about anti-maskers’ rights

Apparently the anti-maskers are tired of being “oppressed.” I concede that almost everyone in the province is tired of the pandemic, myself included. That said, I ask you all to consider this alternate viewpoint.

Apparently the anti-maskers are tired of being “oppressed.” I concede that almost everyone in the province is tired of the pandemic, myself included. That said, I ask you all to consider this alternate viewpoint.

The contrarian view is that the “anti-maskers” have never once even attempted to uphold provincial public health orders. Presumably this means they have never complied with these orders and so not only have they contributed to the protracted prevalence of the provincial countermeasures that they fervently oppose, but they are directly (and apparently proudly) responsible for our rising cases based on their irresponsible and selfish behaviour. They are also directly impairing the remainder of the efforts by good citizens to comply with provincial health orders to both reduce COVID cases and normalize their lives and those of their families and all citizens of B.C. They have great intentions but these are being undercut by the selfish anti-mask group.

To summarize: anti-maskers, by definition, are largely responsible for perpetuating our collective lockdown. Unfortunately they are just too vacuous to realize it.

I am so sick of these whiny babies and their “downtrodden rights.” I am pretty sure the virus doesn’t care about their rights. The virus works how it works and human concepts of rights are truly alien to a virus. I want anti-maskers to realize that as they bemoan their alleged, poor human rights treatment they are truly barking up an erroneous tree.

Despite their proclaimed ill treatment, all I can say is thank God I am not engaged in trench warfare (a la the First World War) with one of these hard-done-by wingnuts tasked with “having my back.” I am certain their flaccid support would be lethal to my cause.

Please, grow up and take a chill pill. We are almost there.

Since you likely have not done so to this point, please don’t forget everyone else beyond yourself amongst your selfish ruminations. Your purported feelings of victimization are absolutely unjustified considering the woeful contribution to the “greater good” that you have made to date.

Curtis Smith


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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