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LETTER: Water for trees should be a priority


Too many people are on the brown-lawn-is-good bandwagon forgetting completely that, there are tree roots under those lawns in desperate need of water.

Saanich, as indeed we all do, needs to ask, what is essential to all life forms? Clean air. Clean water. Clean food. All other indulgences such as hot tubs, swimming pools, power washing driveways and cars are superfluous to survival, and tourism stresses already over-burdened environments.

Furthermore, watering golf courses serves only those who can afford to play. Cedar Hill Golf Course has lovely greens, but the oaks, cedars and eucalyptus faint and fall all around, not to mention other wilting greenery.

We need trees now more than ever. First, stop cutting down healthy trees and second, make their watering a citywide priority. Let’s not tempt urban wildfires.

Jana Kalina and Larry Duberry
