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LETTER: Wearable air conditioning

Re: Sooke steps up prep for hot weather ( News , June 9)

Re: Sooke steps up prep for hot weather (News, June 9)

Thanks for your timely article on preparing for the next extreme heat event.

There’s one simple thing we can all do to take care of during these events that you didn’t mention, one that surprisingly few people apparently know about, and that is wet clothes, especially a wet T-shirt or wet cloth on wet hair. They can keep us splendidly cool for a good hour and easy to “recharge.”

It takes the same amount of energy (80 calories) to evaporate a gram of water as it does to raise the temperature of that gram of water from room temperature to boil, so as body heat evaporates that water, those calories go into the water, and it just wafts away. Wearable AC! Cool, eh?

David Camas


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