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LETTERS: Transit needs help from government

I am a senior and really value BC Transit where I live in Saanich.

I am a senior and really value BC Transit where I live in Saanich.

I had required assistance from valuable counselling as I ventured into life living alone and in a new place, and without transit that would have been impossible. I am so impressed with the buses and drivers in Victoria. This invaluable service should never be near a chopping block. It is very deserving of recognition.

The drivers are exceptional, and the buses kept very clean. It also depends on all riders to participate in maintaining this service by respectfully wearing a mask (if you can) now, and behaving respectfully. There is too much onus on BC Transit itself to educate the public on good bus ridership. Provincial and municipal governments must hurry and step in to assist in educating citizens of what is absolutely required of them to receive this essential service. Without this needed extra support public transit will be at peril.

I rely on transit for getting out to appointments, special interests, commitments to assist others, and taking care of my personal needs such as shopping.

Municipal and provincial governments, please assist BC Transit to continue as a valuable service for the community.

Frances Lake


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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