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LETTERS: Trudeau needs to pay heed to climate scientists

How many scientists does it take to convince world leaders that we are on a fast track to the point of no return?

How many scientists does it take to convince world leaders that we are on a fast track to the point of no return?

Evidently, even 11,253 world-class climate scientists joining forces to declare “clearly and unequivocally that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency,” is not a strong enough warning to convince our politicians to pull their heads out of the sand.

No paycheque, no power, no position is worth the untold damage we are doing to our planet. We have the science, the skills and the budget to end our dependency on the extraction economy, and instead, replace it with a Green New Deal that would create good jobs in a planet-friendly environment. The only thing missing for this transition is the political will.

Sometime in the next few months, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet will be making a decision about The Frontier Mine project, Teck Resources’ largest tar sands mine in Canada.

Considering Mr. Trudeau’s position on other fossil fuel projects, despite his party’s lies that they are working hard for the climate, my guess is that Mr. Trudeau will welcome this project with open arms.

This project will require the destruction of thousands of hectares of old-growth forests, lead to the permanent loss of 14,000 hectares of wetlands, and destroy critical fish habitat, not to mention releasing an insane amount of carbon pollution into the atmosphere. Our planet simply cannot sustain this level of destruction.

I know that Mr. Trudeau is well educated but, when it comes to the environment, I think he needs to pay heed to the climate scientists. We don’t have time for mistakes the size of Frontier Mine.

We need to act now if our children are to have a planet to call home.

Jessica Duncan


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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