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No good argument for sewage project

Why are all our local politicians, municipal and provincial, racing to follow the edict from the bloated bureaucrats

Why are all our local politicians, municipal and provincial, racing to follow the edict from the bloated bureaucrats and their corporate sponsors in Ottawa, to build an unneeded sewage treatment system?

Why do we have to meekly fall in line and obey their demands? What will happen if we tell them to take their ruling and stuff it?

Those of us who do live here know of the many tests and studies carried out over the past 40 years that have produced absolutely no evidence that the system is necessary.

When was the last time any of our ocean beaches were closed by high fecal coliform counts?

All we have is the whining of a bunch of ignorant urbanites responding to a problem that exists mostly in their fevered imagination, and egged on by the corporate interests who stand to make big bucks from this totally unnecessary project.

However, if someone wants to present a cogent argument for the economic benefits that will accrue from taking our tax money back from Ottawa and recirculating it through the community I will be happy to listen.

Earl Smith



About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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