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Organized labour detracts from democracy

Unions in B.C.

Re: The value of unions is waning (Comment, June 17)

I must admit that I read Erin Cardone’s column twice before deciding that it was for real.

That in itself might give one pause to contemplate the deleterious impact rabid unionism had, and continues to have, on the psyche of most citizens of this supposedly egalitarian democracy. The unbelievable fact is that less than one-third of Canada’s workforce is unionized, yet that ugly rump of what was once a great and important movement is able to seriously disadvantage, and even endanger the other 70 per cent of the citizenry; ergo, no democracy. Anyone still naive enough to believe in the benevolence of unionism is invited to observe the critical plight of such union-ridden countries as Greece, Spain and France.

Both the federal and the B.C. governments must, preferably at their next full sittings, introduce legislation that will take away the right to any industrial action by any public service union under their respective jurisdictions, and lay out clearly the punitive actions that will swiftly follow any defiance of same. If all levels of government act in concert, and are fully backed by the other 70 per cent of us, the day will come when your journalist (and others like her) will not need to fear retribution for writing or speaking the truth. Then, and only then, will we see egalitarian democracy re-established in Canada.

Zoltan Roman


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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