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Pro-HST ads are misleading to voters


I am absolutely livid about the B.C. government’s  advertising regarding the HST versus the GST and PST. Are they not attempting to influence voters (which they said they would not be doing) by stating the HST is 10 per cent, while the GST and PST equal 12 per cent? If this isn’t influencing the voters, I don’t know what else to call it.

They make no mention that it will be three years before the HST is at 10 per cent and they also do not mention that the PST is not applied to various services such as restaurant dining and hair cuts and many small trades’ work, whereas the HST is on such things.

The way the referendum question is worded is not very clear and they have attempted by this wording to have people misread it and answer no when they really mean yes to extinguish the HST. This was purposely done in my opinion.

I strongly resent my tax dollars being used to fund this dishonest and deceitful advertising. Where is a third party to vote for come next election?

M. Blainey


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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