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Saanich needs to listen to other ideas for Cedar Hill parkland

Recent letters supporting the construction of private clay tennis courts ignore the fundamental issue: a lack of equal opportunity.

Recent letters supporting the construction of private clay tennis courts in Cedar Hill Park ignore the fundamental issue: a lack of equal opportunity.

Equality is a basic tenet of our democracy. Furthermore, this is a public park and the public’s needs must be primary in any decisions about the future of the park.

The biggest issue for many who oppose the Cedar Hill Clay Court Tennis Society proposal is the absence of any meaningful effort by Saanich Parks and Recreation to invite and give equal consideration to the broader needs and priorities of the community, now and for future generations.

Other ideas have not been invited nor entertained. This is not only unprincipled and unacceptable but this is contrary to Mayor Frank Leonard’s recently published statement regarding Panama Flats: “I have a lot of confidence that if you get good input from a lot of voices that ultimately good ideas will prevail over bad ideas.”

We believe in the rights of the CHCCTS to have their proposal considered but also believe the rest of the community deserves to have their ideas given the same consideration.

We trust the District of Saanich to do the right thing – to go back to the critical step of inviting all members of the community to share their ideas for the future of this important green space in Cedar Hill Park.

Peter and Susan Haddon





About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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