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Senate page’s removal mocks democracy

Brigette DePape, Canadian Senate, Stephen Harper, rights

Let’s see, have we got this straight here: Our armed forces are fighting in Libya and Afghanistan for people’s rights to peacefully protest, but the heck with the same right here in Canada, at least not for Senate pages?

Not only were Brigette DePape’s constitutional rights violated, firing her for her politics was a contravention of the Human Rights Act. Her removal from the Senate is not unlike the Conservatives throwing out voters who don’t pass the Facebook screening at their rallies during the election.

The hundreds of thousands of Canadians who fought and passed away in war must be turning in their graves. Stephen Harper is making a mockery of democracy – can you say demockery? How about democratically deficient?

I hope Brigette DePape takes legal action. The government should be court-ordered to reinstate her before there is more abuse of power.

Andre Mollon


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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