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Too much attention on COVID-19

While government battle deadly virus, other health conditions ignored, says letter-writer

Who else is bothered by the excessive attention being paid to COVID-19? Much of it is driven by the media, creating out-of-hand hysteria and leading to such foolish acts such as buying reams of toilet paper.

In B.C., as of March 11, one person had died, a man in his 80s with existing health problems. I understand why officials want to contain the virus which, as yet, has no vaccine.

ALSO READ: First presumptive COVID-19 case reported on Vancouver Island

But let’s not lose sight of ongoing tragic deaths related to mental health and addictions. In early March the bodies of two South Island men were found. One man had “mental-health concerns” and another’s death was “not suspicious.” As well, a third man was reported missing. His family was concerned for his safety. These are heartbreaking stories, much sadder than people stuck on cruise ships.

In Canada, about 11 people die each day by suicide. Annually, that’s about 4,000 deaths. It is the leading cause of death for those aged 15 to 34. In B.C., about three people die each day of a drug overdose. Influenza, of various strains, kills about 3,500 Canadians each year.

ALSO READ: Keep calm and wash your hands: Pharmacist’s tips on coronavirus prevention

While untold, taxpayer resources are being injected into COVID-19, let’s not ignore health conditions, such as suicide and addictions, that strike down people in the prime of life.

Shannon Moneo


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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