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Virus has a lot to answer for

Mixed ideas on COVID policy confuses reader

Here are some notes of my COVID virus life to date.

I was in the two leading stores in Sooke last week for our weekly shop. It happened to me that I required the use of the washroom. I entered the passageway and was warned away by one of the staff. Why? Because of the COVID virus.

Well, this didn’t make any sense at all as a visit to the washroom is, by nature, a singular event requiring no other person to be there. No transmission is possible. Annoyed, I carried on and held on until I returned home.

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Later, I was in the other store, and through curiosity, I asked the staff if their washroom was open. It was. So we have two stores 100 metres apart with differing policies regarding washroom use. Odd!

I also noticed that one store has returned to its personal bag use policy and, naturally, the other hasn’t. Equally odd.

Don’t these store managers talk to each other? Or is there a provincial policy covering these events but is understood differently?

On a different topic. When will our library open again? I have re-read my library twice – not that many books – and in desperation, I have to read my wife’s Hello magazines. This virus has a lot to answer for.

Fred Whittaker


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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