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LETTER: Langford has changed for the better

LETTER: Langford has changed for the better

I’m not sure how long the people that complain about Langford’s growth or Stew Young’s being mayor have lived out here but I’ve spent almost 50 years growing up in Colwood/Langford and all we used to have for sports was the Juan de Fuca Rec Centre, and a couple of corner stores that closed at 9 p.m.
LETTER: Politicians go missing-in-action

LETTER: Politicians go missing-in-action

On Feb. 15, I finally had to hang up the phone after being on hold for 75 minutes, trying to speak to someone from the Governor General’s office.
LETTER: Protesters actions only makes a bad situation worse

LETTER: Protesters actions only makes a bad situation worse

Yes, Freedom Convoy protesters, your freedom is being inhibited by the pandemic. We appreciate that. Now you want to protest to ensure everyone knows how grave things really are. We got it. Message received.
LETTER: Journalists face host of workplace hazards

LETTER: Journalists face host of workplace hazards

Trust. Credibility. Transparency. Authenticity. All of these play important roles in the relationships people have with their news sources. By several measures, these relationships are shifting in significant, sometimes contradictory, ways - and several reasons for this shift are psychologically driven.
CAMERON: Bleeding hearts, lawlessness and leadership: ‘Just Watch Me’

CAMERON: Bleeding hearts, lawlessness and leadership: ‘Just Watch Me’

Scrolling through my social media feed last week, I came across a clip of Pierre Elliott Trudeau being interviewed during the FLQ crisis in 1970. When CBC interviewer Tim Ralfe confronted the Prime Minister about putting troops on the streets of Quebec to deal with the threat, Trudeau shrugged and said, “Yeah, well there’s a lot of bleeding hearts around who just don’t like to see people with helmets and guns.
LETTER: Conflict and contention only result in turmoil

LETTER: Conflict and contention only result in turmoil

The trucker protest demonstrates the fragility of our economy. A minority of truckers and their supporters have caused hundreds of millions of dollars of damage to the supply chain with repercussions throughout our economy. It also brings to light the increasing political polarization in our governing institutions.

LETTER: Give teachers the support they’re asking for

Re: Demonstrators take to streets to protest vaccine mandates ( News , Feb. 10)
LETTER: Building permits at the whim of a few

LETTER: Building permits at the whim of a few

Re: Sooke building permit application backlog hits three months ( News , Feb. 10)
LETTER: Endure a little more pain with patience

LETTER: Endure a little more pain with patience

Re: Demonstrators take to streets to protest pandemic mandates ( News , Feb. 10).
LETTER: Ramping up the rhetoric

LETTER: Ramping up the rhetoric

Re: Transition Sooke on wrong track on growth (Letters, Feb. 10)