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LETTER: Passing comment at restaurant leads to a lesson on history

LETTER: Passing comment at restaurant leads to a lesson on history

To the two Indigenous people at Salty’s on Goldstream on June 5: I don’t know your names, and I’m not even sure you’ll see this, but I hope that this might somehow reach you because I owe you (and many, many others) an apology.
Community shut out of decisions on Oak Bay marina

Community shut out of decisions on Oak Bay marina

Concerns are growing about the process council is using to determine the future of the Oak Bay marina lease, which expires next year, and the redevelopment of the adjacent Spewhung/Turkey Head lands and waters.
LETTER: Politicians mysteriously quiet on Fairy Creek

LETTER: Politicians mysteriously quiet on Fairy Creek

Regina vs. Ancient Rainforest Preservationists: Silence pervades our locally elected councillors, CRD directors and chamber of commerce leaders concerning the new War in the Woods erupting in Premier John Horgan’s own backyard - Fairy Creek. Not a word has been spoken in support or against this growing international news story.
LETTER: Protesters’ moral compass goes askew

LETTER: Protesters’ moral compass goes askew

So out at Fairy Creek, people old enough to know better show young people that it is moral to be violent as long as your emotions suggest your religion is correct.
LETTER: Coming clean on public washrooms

LETTER: Coming clean on public washrooms

What does one think of when one thinks of Oak Bay? Character homes, beautiful gardens … How about disgusting washrooms?
LETTER: Blown away by lawn-care noise

LETTER: Blown away by lawn-care noise

When is Oak Bay going to smarten up. I get up this morning, pour myself a cup of coffee, get the paper and sit down to read… immediately two neighbours with commercial lawn care companies show up and the first thing they do is turn on their gas-powered leaf blowers.
LETTER: Royal Oak development draws heightened opposition

LETTER: Royal Oak development draws heightened opposition

Myself and many other concerned residents of the immediate neighbourhood in Royal Oak have been active in our efforts to make known our valid, fact-based opinions and objections to Doral Forest Park, a proposed 242-unit condo development with two buildings, one of which is 11 storeys high, adjacent to the southern boundary of Elk/Beaver Lake Regional Park on Elk Lake Drive.
LETTER: Sounding off over noisy vehicles

LETTER: Sounding off over noisy vehicles

A recent article in Saanich News pointed out that the District of Saanich may consider a ban on gas-powered leaf blowers.
LETTER: Pull the plug on gas-powered leaf blower ban

LETTER: Pull the plug on gas-powered leaf blower ban

After reading the article in the May 26 Saanich News, it is obvious that environmentalist Teal Phelps Bondaroff is pursuing his personal agenda and pushing Saanich council to jump on his bandwagon.
LETTER: Keep Sidney clean

LETTER: Keep Sidney clean

Walking my grand dog recently past the very busy skateboard park on Fifth Avenue I was saddened to see the grass strewn with empty plastic bottles, cans, plastic ice cream containers, even packets from toddlers food.