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LETTERS: Cyclists pens a heads up for motorists

LETTERS: Cyclists pens a heads up for motorists

I am a daily commuter cyclist and I just wanted to pass on a couple things that car drivers might not be aware of.
LETTER: We need to thank those who work in public education

LETTER: We need to thank those who work in public education

Andrea Sinclair is president of the BC Parent Advisory Councils
Rickter Scale: Brushing off a royal visitor

Rickter Scale: Brushing off a royal visitor

The Rickter Scale is a regular column
Letter: James Bay wolf a reminder wolves are shy of humans

Letter: James Bay wolf a reminder wolves are shy of humans

Just a note that reporting on this wolf would’ve been a good opportunity to dispel myths about wolves.
B.C. VIEWS: New coronavirus outbreak an important reminder

B.C. VIEWS: New coronavirus outbreak an important reminder

Walking the line between cautious and alarmist
LETTERS: Thanks for shooting local

LETTERS: Thanks for shooting local

I was greatly pleased to see your recent issue with a story on the film shot on Island. The crew pictured were filming in my barn last December.
Downtown Dialogue: Downtown Victoria building on its momentum

Downtown Dialogue: Downtown Victoria building on its momentum

There’s no doubt 2019 was a significant year for Downtown Victoria with both highs and lows. With this month’s column, I hope to provide a brief snapshot of the past year and some thoughts on this new year and decade.
LETTERS: Climate change out of our control

LETTERS: Climate change out of our control

Re: “Australian wildfires a climate wake-up call” editorial in the Jan. 17 edition of the Victoria News .

LETTERS: A case for the pedestrian

Were I to make an argument regarding the modal prejudice of the City of Victoria it would start with a defence of the pedestrian. In most cities there is a modal hierarchy stated by council.
LETTER: Cyclists turning trails to mud

LETTER: Cyclists turning trails to mud

I must say it is extremely disappointing to see so many of my fellow cyclists and some cycle groups not use their common sense and feel their wants outweigh the rights of other park or trail users. Their behaviour affects the long-term health of the environs used by all living things.