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LETTER: Canada must not forget international commitments

LETTER: Canada must not forget international commitments

With a sexy scandal in Ottawa, it is easy to ignore the mundane everyday business of the government. Of course it is important to get to the bottom of the SNC-Lavalin/Raybould matter, but let’s not forget that there are lives at stake and decisions to be made on the international level.
LETTER: Responsible owners don’t let cats roam

LETTER: Responsible owners don’t let cats roam

You can’t defend letting cats roam
LETTER: SIN for income tax, not speculation tax

LETTER: SIN for income tax, not speculation tax

I believe it was W.A.C. Bennett who said: “This bunch couldn’t run a hot dog stand.”
LETTER: Public art is a gift

LETTER: Public art is a gift

A longtime Oak Bay resident in his mid-90s reflected on a lifetime of travel as he walked along the waterfront at. He thought of times he had been delighted by a thoughtful sculpture in a public place – nothing grand or political, just something whimsical to bring a smile to the face of a passerby. As he walked, he noticed a small rock a few metres from the shore – a perfect site for a bit of art. He imagined making a gift to the community for this public space, entirely paid for by him.
LETTER: Inconsiderate people not cleaning up after their dogs

LETTER: Inconsiderate people not cleaning up after their dogs

Am I the only one noticing the appalling amount of dog mess out there? It always makes me angry when I see it everyday but this snowfall seems to have given more dog owners license to leave their dog’s mess anywhere it falls.
LETTER: Global Fund is due to be replenished

LETTER: Global Fund is due to be replenished

It’s time for Canada to provide its share of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, due for replenishment this year.
LETTER: Systemic ageism puts seniors in poverty

LETTER: Systemic ageism puts seniors in poverty

Discrimination based on age is one of the most well-tolerated and destructive forms of prejudice in our society. The federal Old Age Security (OAS) program exemplifies how systemic ageism can even sabotage an otherwise progressive social program.
LETTER: Unspoken acts of violence committed against animals

LETTER: Unspoken acts of violence committed against animals

I strongly believe in the drive to end gender violence (and violence in all its forms).
LETTER: Sidney showed its goodness in snow

LETTER: Sidney showed its goodness in snow

Just over a week ago when I looked out of my window, the night had grown soft and still. Quietly from some invisible blossoming tree millions of petals cool and white drifted and blew, lifted and flew, fell with the falling night (apologies to poet Melvin Cane).
LETTER: Gratitude expressed for the kindness of the community

LETTER: Gratitude expressed for the kindness of the community

Challenges in life pose hardship but inspire a lot of amazing things to happen.