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LETTER: Scofflaw cyclists will cause harm

LETTER: Scofflaw cyclists will cause harm

As I’m sure all of our tourism fixated community is well aware, Nov. 22 is American Thanksgiving, and despite our miserable weather, there were a number of American visitors on our downtown streets.
LETTER: North Saanich council needs accountability

LETTER: North Saanich council needs accountability

I couldn’t agree more with Joscelyn Barnard’s assessment of the situation at North Saanich municipality.
Behind Bars: Steppin’ out at Veneto

Behind Bars: Steppin’ out at Veneto

Brant Porter orchestrates the cocktail menu at popular Victoria beverage stop
LETTER: Decisive action needed on Oak Bay deer population

LETTER: Decisive action needed on Oak Bay deer population

I want to thank the mayor and council for the hard work and effort each of you put into the community. I am loath to add to your plate, but the increased Oak Bay deer population is a severe accident waiting to happen.
LETTER: Pedestrians face the wrath of cyclists everyday

LETTER: Pedestrians face the wrath of cyclists everyday

The incident where the cyclist threw his poop at a car is just a step or two beyond what pedestrians on sidewalks, pathways and crosswalks have to put up with from far too many adult or near adult cyclists in Victoria on an ongoing basis.
LETTER: A citizen’s watchdog would keep the legislature in order

LETTER: A citizen’s watchdog would keep the legislature in order

So Premier Horgan was unaware for 10 months that the speaker he’d personally appointed was conducting a secret investigation in the B.C. legislature . If this isn’t plausible deniability, then it’s certainly long past the time when the premier should have been woke.
B.C. VIEWS: The art of announcing things you haven’t done yet

B.C. VIEWS: The art of announcing things you haven’t done yet

Clinging to power, John Horgan and Andrew Weaver imagine a dynasty
LETTER: Security and transparency will be lost with internet voting

LETTER: Security and transparency will be lost with internet voting

I disagree with your editorial advocating internet voting . I think you make a mistake by identifying the problem of low voter turnout as convenience rather than engagement. If someone is engaged enough about the issues, they will make the small effort to visit a polling station. If they aren’t engaged enough to do that, I’m not sure I want them to have a voice in electing my government.
Mommy’s Inside Voice: Linen closet superhero

Mommy’s Inside Voice: Linen closet superhero

Mommy’s Inside Voice is a biweekly column written by a local mother of three
Rickter Scale: A step ahead of the great abyss

Rickter Scale: A step ahead of the great abyss

The Rickter Scale is a weekly column that runs in the Goldstream Gazette