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B.C. VIEWS: John Horgan’s latest reality check on wildfire threat

B.C. VIEWS: John Horgan’s latest reality check on wildfire threat

‘New normal’ is not a solution, just an empty sound bite
Letter to the editor: Wildfire management in B.C. could be done better writes a former Ranger-in-charge

Letter to the editor: Wildfire management in B.C. could be done better writes a former Ranger-in-charge

It is patently obvious that B.C. is in a crisis situation relative to wildfire control
LETTER: Removal of John A. Macdonald statue subverts democracy

LETTER: Removal of John A. Macdonald statue subverts democracy

It was particularly apropos to watch the statue of Sir John A. Macdonald swinging in the breeze on a recent news clip. There he was, our former prime minister and member of Parliament, publicly hung without trial, lawyer or supporting voice to speak on his behalf. And why? Because Mayor Lisa Helps and “The Family” decided with their “unbiased” clarity of 20/20 hindsight, that this was the only way forward.
B.C. VIEWS: Genuine aboriginal rights are misused and discredited

B.C. VIEWS: Genuine aboriginal rights are misused and discredited

Camp Cloud one of long line of protests falsely asserting title
LETTERS: Doctors speak out on surgical wait times for B.C. patients

LETTERS: Doctors speak out on surgical wait times for B.C. patients

‘Governments know they will lose private clinic lawsuit’
Column: Mother orca’s display of grief sends powerful message

Column: Mother orca’s display of grief sends powerful message

The grief of this orca mother may not be visible anymore, but we must not forget.
LETTER: Opposition to tent city doesn’t make you a bigot

LETTER: Opposition to tent city doesn’t make you a bigot

“I do not support the tent city at Regina Park”
EDITORIAL: The times, they are a-changing

EDITORIAL: The times, they are a-changing

The statue of Sir John A. Macdonald was removed from Victoria’s city hall on Saturday and it was a sound heard ‘round the country.
B.C. VIEWS: Canadian cities begin to declare themselves city-states

B.C. VIEWS: Canadian cities begin to declare themselves city-states

Local politicians meddle in immigration, environment issues
No-plastics call butts up against some residents’ harsh reality

No-plastics call butts up against some residents’ harsh reality

Those with disabilities, homeless community, could find it hard to adhere to Suzuki’s suggestions